
So!Gnee smart sensor is capable of simultaneous monitoring of temperature and vibration states for efficient operation and management of a smart factory.


So!Gnee Sensor (IP65)


Aluminum waterproof case (IP66)


Bolt Probe Type


So!Gnee smart sensor is capable of simultaneous monitoring of temperature and vibration states for efficient operation and management of a smart factory.


So!Gnee Sensor (IP65)


Aluminum waterproof case (IP66)


Bolt Probe Type

Application Strengths

- Development optimized for monitoring through PLC
- Monitoring capability with utilization of universal HMI
- Simultaneous monitoring of temperature and vibration states after installation of sensors per equipment section
- Capable of minimum-delivery response as well as development response according to field situations
- Optimum monitoring and alarm functions with minimum investment
- Equipped for such responses as Application DB, pilot operation after installation, control, electrical construction, HMI monitoring, pilot operation, maintenance & repair, etc. as a business capable of performing control construction
- Sensor application enabled at rational prices

Installation Cases


Application cases for 5 places of cooling tower




Pump Stations









Installation Cases


Application cases for 5 places of cooling tower




Pump Stations









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홈  |  회사소개  |  이용약관  |  개인정보처리방침  |  이용약관

Copyrightⓒ2017 So!Gnee.All rights reserved.

상호 : 명성에이앤티    대표자 : 황희석    전화 : 043-715-9580    팩스 : 0505-345-9580

사업자 등록번호 안내:[317-81-24758]    통신판매업 신고 2016-충북청주-1198  [사업자정보확인]

주소 : 28129 충청북도 청주시 청원구 오창읍 장대길 13-16

개인정보보호책임자 : 황희석(rnd@msant.co.kr)